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Well Established Sports Bar

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22633 Sports Bar

About the Business

Business Sale Overview 

A well-established sports bar located in West Suffolk County is for sale. The business has been under the same ownership for over three decades, showcasing its longstanding presence and stability in the area.

Long-Standing Ownership 

The current owner has successfully operated the sports bar for more than 33 years, demonstrating a track record of consistent management and commitment to the business.

Recent Upgrades 

The sports bar has kept up with modern demands by installing four brand new taps and updating to a new POS system, suggesting a forward-thinking approach to business operations and customer service.

Revenue Streams 

The establishment enjoys multiple sources of income, including earnings from Quick Draw and vending machines, indicating a diversified revenue model that could be attractive to potential buyers looking for a business with various income potentials.

Growth Opportunity 

There's unlimited upside potential for an engaged owner-operator who can tap into the existing customer base and drive the business forward. The opportunity is ripe for an individual with the right entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to step in.

Lease Information 

The lease terms are competitive, with the rent and real estate taxes combined at $4,700 per month, which is reasonable for the location and size of the property.

Operational Challenge 

The bar has faced a recent managerial change due to the unfortunate passing of the previous manager. Additionally, the current owner's relocation to Florida has presented new operational challenges that need addressing.

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